Primary Health Care for All
Project Launch: 10-22-19
The Humanitarian Organization for Poverty Eradication in Malawi (HOPEM) seeks to improve women and childrens' access to health care services. The project will extend and rehabilitate Nkhande Health Post that was constructed in 1998 by including a maternity wing to accommodate maternal and child care services. Through the project, the maternity wing will be installed with electricity and piped water to make the facility user friendly. This project will reduce time travelled by pregnant women and under five children who will easily receive treatment thereby increasing time available for other productive activities.
Project Update: 3-5-20
Humanitarian Organization for Poverty Eradication in Malawi (HOPEM) and the Ndamera Area Development Committee in consultation with the District Health Office resolved to change project scope from rehabilitation to construction of the new maternity wing at Nkhande Health Post. Despite delays in starting and effects of rains, the community has started construction with walls expected to be completed by March 30, 2020. The project was affected by local community participation during the rainy season as people concentrated more in their farms. The Established Field Partner has linked with the Mandela Washington Fellow (Mweta Katemba), who is supporting to monitor project implementation as the project is located in his home area. Once completed, over 1000 pregnant women are expected to benefit as they will be supported by qualified nurses to deliver at this clinic cutting the distance they currently travel.
Final Report: 1-31-22
Humanitarian Organization for Poverty Eradication in Malawi (HOPEM) in collaboration with communities surrounding Muyang’anira Village started constructing a maternity wing at Nkhande Health Post in Nsanje. The community changed the project scope from renovation to starting an all new wing to accommodate their emerging needs and demand. With the $9,126.85 in World Connect grant, the community elected the building and roofed it, fixed doors, and fitted the window frames. The deviation from the original budgeted plan has resulted in the community organization running out of funding before they could plaster, fix windows, install the floor, and do all required plumbing and electrical wiring works. Once completed, the maternal and neonatal services to women who currently travel up to eight Kilometres to access maternity services at nearby health facilities.
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