
Year: 2014
Country: Morocco
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Health
Project Investment: $1,887.86

Project Launch: 12-22-14

Tiznit is a large province and is home to 130,000 residents. The community members in the city have access to a lot of resources but residents in the surrounding villages have large populations of children, with few healthy outlets. Aside from the occasional soccer ball, there is not much for children to take part in that promotes healthy development. The children have extensive lunch breaks and recess, prompting children to wander around looking for things to do.


This project will support the construction of eight tire playgrounds, each with five-six structures for the children to play on. A playground will help promote healthy activity and creativity among children, allowing them to socialize and run around when school is not in session. The playgrounds will also be accessible to students with special needs by having structure that focus on fine motor skills rather than mobility.


Project Update

Unfortunately, due to bizarre, uncommon weather patterns, there was an enormous storm that flooded most of the community and made it very difficult to build all eight playgrounds. Therefore, only one playground was built but in a very centrally located place that is accessible to many of the surrounding villages. In addition to the construction of the playground, community members painted murals and planted trees to help beautify their community in the aftermath of the unprecedented flood.



"Children are able to play on and around the structures we built to have a better time than just running around in the streets." - Driss, Project Leader


"I'm excited to send my child to school knowing that recess time will be outside and not just spent playing cards indoors." - Project Participant

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