Talleres Ambientalistas Quebradas
Year: 2010
Country: Costa Rica
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Environment
Project Investment: $500.00
Project Launch:
Despite the vast natural beauty of Costa Rica, not all children learn about or see firsthand their country’s natural resources. A $500 grant from World Connect’s Kids to Kids Program supported a week-long environmental education camp for youth ages 10-16 during their school vacation. The camp took place at the Quebradas Biological Center, a reserve only 3 km from the center of Quebradas, but rarely visited by local community members. The camp better connected the local population with resources and activities at the biological reserve and raised consciousness about environmental issues for youth in the community. The camp covered a different theme every day such as water, energy, and waste, starting with an educational session on the theme followed by an activity such as an art project, scavenger hunt, or musical performance, that tied into the theme. This approach gave children the opportunity to learn about the environment in a hands-on manner, taking advantage of the trails, wildlife, and beautiful scenery at the Quebradas Biological Center. The camp culminated in a bonfire and sleepover the last night where the group discussed lessons learned and how to bring the lessons back and apply them in their homes and community-wide. A special bonfire was also held for parents, who, as a result, expressed interest in organizing a more formal youth group in the community after seeing what a good time their kids had at the camp and appreciating the value of spending time outdoors learning instead of sitting inside watching TV or helping with housework. The project brought the community of Quebradas together by organizing youth in a way that has not been done in a long time, as well as by giving the participants an opportunity to enjoy the beautiful biological reserve in their backyard and that few appreciate because it is hard to access.Explore other Projects
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