Clean Hands
Project Launch: 2-5-16
This project will train four women’s groups in Saré Hamidou on how to make soap as an income-generating activity. The soap will be distributed to households with latrines throughout the community and excess soap will be sold in markets in Kolda, the regional capital. The local health hut in Saré Hamidou will hold community-wide workshops on the benefits of handwashing, proper hygiene and sanitation. Additionally, hand-washing stations made out of local materials will be installed in every household in the community to further promote proper sanitation.
Project Update: 5/28/16
To date, the women's groups have participated in initial hand washing trainings as well as soap making trainings. To reinforce the educational components of this project, the health committee has been conducting home visits to focus on health topics such as the importance of covering water sources and the benefits of improved sanitation and hygiene. Over the next few weeks, materials will be purchased to construct handwashing stations throughout the community. The women are excited to launch their new soap making business, and according to new calculations, the women will make a profit of 2,500 CFA, the equivalent of $4.30 USD, per each batch of soup they make.
"Now, we know how to make our own soap and do not need to relay on others to bring it to the village and sell it to us. We are in charge and we will save money by making our own soap and selling the excess soap. This project is going to make our lives better and our families healthier." - Mamuna, Project Participant
"Getting Tippy Taps in each household will decrease the illness of the people. Currently, the population sees the food and they don't think about washing their hands because they can only see the food, but, if they see the Tippy Tap, they are reminded to wash their hands before they eat." - Flemming Project Participant
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