100% Fouta-Sourced Thille Boubacar Chicken Coop
Project Launch: 7-1-16
This project will lead to the creation of a community-led poultry business in Thille. Using local materials, the cooperative’s 15 members will build a chicken coop where they can successfully raise 200 chickens. The group will participate in business management workshops and sell their chickens in Thille Boubacar’s renowned weekly market, which draws vendors and shoppers from neighboring Mali and Mauritania. As their business grows, the cooperative will hire two local women’s groups to clean and prepare the chickens to sell in the weekly market, creating more jobs for women.
Progress Update: 3/10/2017
The group has purchased all the materials necessary for the coop and they have begun coop construction. Next steps are to purchase their starter chicks and to register their cooperative with the Senegalese government.
Final Report: 3/21/2017
After a false start. the group obtained a batch of heat resistant chicks from further away. The project's success and future success lies within its sustainability. This sustainability stems from the group members and their desire to make this project a constant priority in their lives. The project would not have come to be without their idea to start a chicken coop and their motivation to see the project through. It is certain that after the Peace Corps presence has left Thille Boubacar, this project will still continue to thrive and survive. After being trained in accounting and record keeping, marketing, inventory tracking, money management, and basic chicken management and health, the group members have all the necessary skill sets to continue growing the project. Additionally, the group has been practicing separate money, using only profits from the business to purchase new supplies and materials. They set aside money each month in order to prepare for any unexpected events or occurrences that would require extra funds be spent. These extra funds put aside each month can also be put towards growing the business, increasing the amount of space for chickens and sales outlets. With the GIE (General Economic Interest Group) papers they have obtained, they can now obtain loans from banks, in order to fund any expansion efforts that they deem necessary. Once they open up their bank account in the nearby town of Ndioum, they will be completely ready to begin drawing up their expansion plan. This is all only possible because of the immense amount of initiative and community drive behind the project. Not only are the group members 100% committed to the project, but also the rest of the community supports the project by purchasing their chicken meat every week.
"The project so far has gone extremely smoothly as a result of the motivation and drive of the community members involved. This project really is a priority for them, and they make sure to take time out of every day to work on it. The first few days of the coop instruction, they began working at 8:00am, even before my family and I had eaten our breakfast! Their enthusiasm is infectious, and I cannot wait to see how the rest of the project will go." - Sylvia, Peace Corps Volunteer
"We are all so grateful for this project and opportunity. In Thille, it is difficult to find constant income because of the different farming seasons. The chicken coop, if God agrees, will provide us all with income each month, and hopefully we can use these profits to continue to grow the coop. My hope is that we can turn this project into a real business." - Bocar, Project Leader
"Thille has never had a project like this before - one where we all work together towards something that really will benefit us all. Everyone is working, coming and helping purchase materials or build the coop. Everything has gone as we have planned. Because of the trainings we have attended and the help we have received, we are prepared to begin selling the chickens and making money." - Binta, Project Participant
"I am so happy! This project is great for the community because it gives many of us the opportunity to work, and this is a good thing. Even though it is hot and tiring, I love working with my neighbors and friends on building the coop. It means that all of our work will lead to benefits not just for us, but for our families. I want to thank everyone involved in this project and for helping increase the development in Thille." - Fata, Project Participant